Sosyal Sorumluluk

Full Support to Our Future GenerationKnown as the “the hardest fun you’ll ever have”, First Robotics Competition (FRC) is a program dedicated to k12 students. Attendants acquire the chance to improve themselves on topics such as science, technology, mathematics and engineering in addition to resource allocation, organization and entrepreneurship. At the same time, they are expected to design a working robot prototype with a given design and they are expected to manage the entire robotic design manufacturing and programming processes. As Disual, this year, we opted to support Hisar Schools’ team NoktaParantez, for this event, which will be attended by many schools and students from all around the world.

We Have Started Our Journey To Access Barrier-Free Information

Internet is one of the most important elements of our lives since the first day of creation. We consult to internet for each issue and we use it to learn things, to have fun and to communicate. We use both visual and auditory items at the same time and we can reach everything we want easily. So digital resources can be really accessed by "everyone" when "equal opportunity" on education and access to information constantly emphasized? We think that internet sites must be accessible and every individual can access to any information without barriers like internet speed, browser differences and most importantly pyhsical disables as one of the designers in the digital environment of information.For this purpose we helped to develope web sites in this direction by working with a lot of organizations an fundations. And now as Disual, we support the, "Computer Literacy Education For Visually Impaired People" web site which were laid in a master's thesis work and get support of administrator and teachers of Alti Nokta Korler Vakfi.