Social Literacy as a Competitive Advantage

Social literacy refers to knowing how to use social tools and platforms to find and gather information, share thoughts, and generate discussion. For businesses this has already generated massive opportunities to better connect with customers and improve the general perception of their brand. But, the potential of socially literate employees has largely been ignored. Users of these tools and services can try many ways to increase their own competence and thus the competence of the business. Therefore, in our opinion, the employees be active in the social platforms is surplus value for companies. Well, what is social literacy? This week we will talk on this subject.

Social literacy is,

  • The ability to make "socially productive decisions",
  • Successful interpersonal cooperation,
  • Collaboration and appropriate interactions,
  • Familiarity with cultural norms.

Benefits of Socially Literate Employees

A study by Microsoft found that 46% of employees believe their productivity has improved due to the use of social tools. So what does this mean for your company? The increase in sharing and collaboration has led to employees being better informed and thus able to make better decisions and generate more efficient ways of working. Employees clearly want to use these tools. They are seeing the benefit for both themselves and their employer. According to the study 30% say they would even be willing to use their own money for a new tool if it could make them more efficient at their job.

Any organization that wants to stay competitive will soon need to adopt social tools. Because, social media is fast becoming preferred place to get information. Companies need to provide their employees with training on the use of these platforms and the necessary tools.

The following steps are usually needed:

  • Encouragement : Companies should not only allow the use of social tools but encourage it.
  • Training: The company should provide its employees with training on the use of these platforms and tools.
  • Tools: Companies can provide information with tools to share and interact effectively. This will also make the use of social tools and platforms more effective.
  • Application of new ideas: The new ideas will emerge with increase of social literacy. You will need to use the benefits of the company.


If you want to get involved in the new competitive world, you can social literacy convert competitive advantage. Please note that, the social world is much faster than you might expect.