The Internet Marketing which can also called as e-marketing or virtual marketing all over the world, is the promotion and sell of the products or services over the internet to potential customers in the basic sense. Internet marketing can be done as search engine, advertising display, e-mail, electronic media partner, mutual interaction and blog marketing.


Internet Marketing


Basic Steps of Internet Marketing

When you want to make Internet Marketing, you should make Market Research at first. During market research, you should identify your target audience, review the status of your opponents and recognize the market situation.

Developing a Marketing Strategy is also important to make marketing of your brand. When creating your strategy, it is important to follow an attractive, stunning, binding and converted path.

Brand Positioning is one of the most basic preparations on marketing. Your brand should have a focused, clear, compelling stance with a message.

Marketing Content is also one of the main stages of this. The content that you have created must be relevant to the brand, must be organized and focused on achieving benefits.

Stages of Website

After the basic steps of Internet Marketing, the most important step is building a website. However, when you build your website, there should be two important steps for you:

Software Development: Developing your website's software is one of the most important components in Internet Marketing. Building a scalable, approved and complied with web standards web site is great important. Having rich media tools and using them is also contributing to the development of the website.

Design: One of the most necessary things about website is the design. Most reliable design is the one which offers a look into the features of the website to the visitors. A reliable, convenient, open to change and flexible web site takes you further.

Complementary Steps of Internet Marketing

Step 1: Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is about to be accepted by the search engines, take place at the top of searches related to your industry and to be selected as the most reliable source by the search engines. As a result these SEO actions may provide your website more potential customers.

In this sense, you need to give attention to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You should provide the most relevant, reliable and real content about your service on your website.

Then you should activate the PPC (Pay Per Click) system on your website. In this model, through the click-rates of ads that you published on your website, the advertiser pays a specific amount per clicks to the website owner.

Step 2: Online Advertising

Online advertising requires using the online marketing areas which can benefit your website and increase your potential customers. To do this, you should use Ad Networks, establish Affiliates and create a Blog and manage additional channels.

Step 3: Directories and Lists

Using a data structure used in a scheme for dynamic memory allocation which is also called as Free Listing, Portals, Paid Listings provided by Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ratings and Reviews and Lead Generation channels informs you about where your website is and leads you to new ways and new strategies. These channels can instruct you and helps your development.

Step 4: Public Relations

Public Relations can help you to organize and consolidate the position of your web site and company on the web world. A White Paper which is an authoritative report or guide that helps readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision is one of the most important documents in public relations. Articles about you and your company can strengthen the image of your company and Press Releases can secure your brand's stance. These are very important issues of public relations.

Step 5: E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using e-mail. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.

Making measurement, expanding the deploying network, following the customer potential through paid or unpaid lists, designing and developing software and content of the e-mail are very important for e-mail marketing.

Step 6: Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. Using social networks, blogging, sharing content are important ways on social media marketing.


Internet Marketing is a marketing method that every website owner needs to do to introduce their products, services, brand and company. When you have finished all the steps that we described above, you will be satisfied about the traffic on your website and the amount of your customers let you to be known. To get more professional help and take advantage of our consultancy services, please contact with Disual.