Few Way to Use Facebook Apps for Business

Almost all businesses are aware of the power of social media. While we provide recommendations about social media for businesses a few months ago, almost all businesses are currently taking place on these platforms. The number of social sites increases rapidly, but still the most used social media site is Facebook. Because, Facebook continues to develop itself with new applications every day. Wondering how businesses are using apps to better serve their customers? So, Let us look at the following topics. So, are you wondering how you use applications in order to better serve its customers? So let's look at the following topics.

Keep Customers in the Know

Email remains a very popular marketing tool and sending interested users email updates in the form of a newsletter, keeps up to date information of your customers.

Use a newsletter signup app to collect email addresses so you have an additional way to communicate with your customers when they leave Facebook. You can even prepare the newsletter signup form.

Provide Customer Support

Use a "contact us" app to allow your fans and customers to get in touch with representatives in specific departments within your company. This type of app helps you streamline the contact process and direct fans straight to whoever handles sales, customer support, press inquiries, etc. You can link whenever someone comments on a status update with this type of app.

Make Appointments and Reservations

Small business owners should use an app that will allow customers to request or appointments and reservations via Facebook. You can ask for name, telephone number and times that customers want to come and then call them to book or confirm an appointment. This app is ideal for anyone who is in the service business, restaurants, hair salons, cleaning services, etc.

Reward Fans

Reward your customers with access to special deals with a "Facebook exclusive" app. Ideally your fans will get into the habit of checking your page to see if there are offers available only to them.

You can use detailed feedback app about their experience with your business for your customers. Please note that, you also can leave suggestions for things you could do differently.