The Web has evolved a lot from being a simple document repository.
We now have browsers capable of rich visual interactions on desktop
as well as mobile. This week, we will talk about to the four ways for
increase your site's user experience.
1- CSS
We tend to think of this in simple terms like changing font size or color, but it is becoming increasingly powerful with features like transforms and animations.
If you've used Vector Masks in tools like Photoshop, you should be familiar with the idea behind CSS. This feature allows you to define a shape in CSS that defines the transparent and opaque parts of your HTML content. These work great with CSS Transitions for hiding and revealing UI elements. Similarly CSS Masks are making their way to the Web, allow you to define the transparent parts of your content using an image. This allows you to use transparency more effectively in your designs for visual interest or textures.
2- SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics )
SVG is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. Most of the images we find on the Web today are raster images, made up of pixels. This means that as we scale them or view them on higher resolution devices they get pixelated. Vector graphics are awesome because they are made up of geometric primitives that retain their crisp edges at any size. Thus, the entire screen will be harmonized.
SVG is the vector format for the Web. You can use it to display graphics and even manipulate and animate its properties with CSS.
Where SVG gets really powerful is when we combine it with scripting. Snap is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to manipulate and animate SVG content.
3- 2D Canvas
2D Canvas is another powerful feature of the Web optimized for drawing shapes and images. It provides a JavaScript API that gives you granular control over your canvas element. It also gives you the freedom to integrate other forms of media, such as video, creating the potential for rich interactive buttons that play, pause or scrub video footage.
4- WebGL
WebGL is a new interface to produce three-dimensional images in the web page. WebGL elements can be mixed with other HTML elements and composited with other parts of the page or page background. WebGL programs consist of control code written in JavaScript and shader code that is executed on a computer's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). WebGL provides a low level API for drawing hardware accelerated 2D and 3D graphics.
As we can see the Web is becoming increasingly diverse and powerful, it's an exciting time to be a Web developer. The variety of technologies and resources we have access to are constantly growing, and it's fun to see the rich experiences people are creating with them. Follow us. We share with you a brand new news from the world of the Internet.