The most prestigious and successful websites were announced at the Turkey-wide Golden Spider Web Awards which is given at the end of the assessing of the public vote and the vote of the jury in terms of design, accessibility and technological competence of web sites. This is the ninth year of the Golden Spider Web Awards and the award ceremony was held yesterday evening at Turkcell Kurucesme Arena. Again and again, this year's award winner is Mia-Posta in the category of "Life".
Mia-Posta take the "People favorite" award in the category of "Life" by using the content management system of Disual last year. Miaposta was awarded first prize in the same category again this year by using Disual's updated infrastructure and adding new features that offer different services to visitors of Miaposta. We are very happy as Disual Team and Mia-Posta to be awarded by such a jury between those valuable sites.
Since 2002, Golden Spider Web Awards organized by Doruknet to support the web sites that broadcasting on the internet, to evaluate the projects through the web, to promote and support their success and encourage the investments in this area.
Golden Spider Web Awards come at the beginning of the awards which is given for this purpose and it holds the distinction of being the first and only independent organization of the platform.
Disual who has such a prestigious award for 3rd overall and 2nd time with Mia-Posta, thanks all the internet users.
To see the other prizes and the owners of Golden Spider Web Awards, visit the official website of the Golden Spider.