2013 has been the year of social media
growth. We will continue to see this trend in the coming year. This trend will
be on particular websites. Are you using Facebook button in your website? If is
no, we suggest you start using it immediately. For this, you must do important
update in your web site content.
Use the Correct-Size Images on Your Website
You have probably noticed on Facebook that some posts have large images at the top, and underneath there is a URL, the website name and a small description. If you have content on your website that you want seen in the news feed, then you can alter the size of the image.
Facebook queries all of the actual images that are on your website and will choose to display the image with the largest dimensions. Facebook only allows users to select three images. The aspect ratio of your image is the critical factor. Correct size is about 627 x 1200 pixels. You need to make sure that at least one of your images inside the article is larger than all of the others.
Implement Facebook Open Graph Tags
Facebook Open Graph has its own language. This allows you to tell Facebook certain kinds of attributes, which include the image it should use as a default on a page, where it should pull text from and what the description should be. This kind of information helps your content appear more appropriately in the news feed. At the same time, it allows you to set data on a macro-level. The best way to keep your shared content up to date on Facebook is to use Facebook's Debugger. It's a great tool to use Facebook from pulling in information that's no longer relevant. To see your Facebook page's reach, go to Facebook Insights and look at your page's Reach report. You'll be able to see how your reach is improving over time.
Add a Facebook Share Button to Your Website
When you add a Facebook Share button to your website, you need to make sure that you use the code from Facebook or the Word Press plugin, which was developed by Facebook. You must discover the best Share button to use for social media on your website. Make sure it is appropriate for the site design.
When it comes to the placement of the Share button on your website, many people like to put it at the top of a blog post. This way, users can see how many people have shared the article. Others like to put the button at the bottom of the post. Both options will fit into the overall concept of your site.
Leverage Google Analytics
Although a lot of you may already have Google Analytics installed on your website, you may not know that you can use Google Analytics to analyze your traffic that comes from Facebook. When you log into Google Analytics, you need to click on Acquisition. Underneath Acquisition is a category called Social. When you click on Social, it will show you all traffic that comes from all of the different social channels. You can click on a social network (Facebook, for example) and it will show you which URLs Facebook drives the most traffic to.