Parallel to the expansion of our customer base, our Content Management System is improving as well. Security patches comprise a crucial part of this progress. In addition, new designs and features are offered in this package. Using Service Pack 2 our sites are more secure and functional. We encourage you to read the rest of the document to learn more about what we offer.
We'd like to emphasize that all of our customers that hold a current maintenance agreement are receiving the necessary updates automatically.
Features and modifications of the Service Pack 2 are sited below:Security Patches
In order to deal with some security flaws we found during our routine tests, we applied the necessary patches.
Bug Fixes
Small Turkish character problems, code based bugs and small errors caused by the new Disual CMS have been fixed entirely.
Software Optimization
All the code being used in our systems have been optimized and made more efficient.. This way your sites are working faster and the servers are handling less load.
Administration Panel Login Screen
We have renewed the administrator panel that is often used by our system admins. We prepared a better looking alternative using our designer identity. From now on, your sites will greet you with this brand new design.
New Features Specifications
Meta tag Producer
Search engines make use of meta tags in order to classify the content held in your sites. All these words are manually added using Disual CMS. We have received a lot of requests to develop an add-on to automatically produce these meta tags for long content.
Using this add on, meta tags for your static and dynamic pages, will be generated with a single click from the words most seen most frequently on the page. Connecting words such as "and, or" are eliminated from meta tags and make your site more easily found on search engines.
Fast Stats
In the admin panel as new menu option is added under "Site-Statistics". This new menu item is shoeing you the total number of visitors to your site.